Cammy's Comic Corner is once again ALIVE!
I have returned!
Apologies if you've tried accessing the site's url in the past year, but my original WordPress website was hacked and I just let it fall into ruin. I know virtually nothing about websites, and could never get any of my tech savvy friends to help me out, no matter how much booze I bribed them with.
Since turning 30 in May, I felt the need to light a fire under my ass and start publishing my short stories, and I've been amassing quite a collection from the past few years. That's where getting a website again came back into play, and since I'm starting from scratch, I figured why not include past comic/book reviews, podcasts, current ebooks, and one day my Fugu Comix doodles? It's a work in progress, but come back often enough and you'll slowly start to see the site flourish.
It's my portfolio of all things Cameron Hatheway.
I even was smart enough to register the domain at no additional cost! Surprised no sneaky bastards got the jump on me, but then again, I am a nobody.
So feel free to buy my books, follow me on social media, and send me an email telling me how much I suck. I look forward to your digital love!